About Me

Aries sun. Virgo moon. Scorpio rising.
I started out shooting wildlife and landscapes and the stars. I slowly began incorporating model shoots into my schedule and became addicted to the feeling I got of making people happy when they see great pictures of themselves. It drove me to get better and learn how to deliver better experiences. I love shooting fashion. That's why I have such a huge collection of dresses in the studio that I bought - because I love shooting people in elegant outfits. But I have made more people happy with shooting boudoir than any other genre and that is my goal. I want to see them excited. I want to see them overcome with emotion at how incredible they look when lit, posed, and captured by a professional and see themselves, unedited even, in a way they never have. That is what drives me and it happens more with boudoir photography than any other genre.
I'm also a lawyer and I have three boys.

Accomplishments and Stuff
So, *I* know I'm cool and if you've gotten this far into my website, *you* know that I'm cool, but let me give you some stuff to tell people when they say "Oh, you are doing a boudoir shoot with a guy?" or "Oh, isn't there someone cheaper?" You can say, "Yeah, but check this out. His pictures are cool and his studio is cool but also..."
Wedding Rule Top 10 Boudoir Photographers in San Diego, CA (2022 -2024)
In March 2022, Jeff was chosen by Wedding Rule to be one of the top 10 boudoir photographers in San Diego (and the only man on the list). I was chosen again in October 2023 and again in 2024 as one of 7 top boudoir photographers in San Diego County.

Feature in Harper's Bazaar Magazine
In 2022, I had a feature in Haper's Bazaar magazine.
Boudoir Inspiration Magazine:
Boudoir Inspiration Magazine is one of the largest magazines that accepts user submissions and it is one of the hardest to get into. Not only have I had 8 sets published in Boudoir Inspiration, but I made the cover in July 2020. In January 2021, they notified me to tell me that I made it into *two* of their three Best of 2020 issues. The third issue was their Best black and white issue and I don't shoot black and white usually, so... They also emailed me the next year to tell me that the one submission that I made that year was one of their most popular submissions and also made it into their Best of 2021 series.
Good Light Magazine
One of the top photography education magazines in the world with about 140,000 paid monthly subscriptions. I was asked to write the cover story about using elegant sets to run a luxury boudoir photography business. In December 2020, the Editor reached out to me and asked me to write a feature for them on using colored lights in photography.
Probably the largest photography communities in the world. I have been featured three times as their picture of the day and been in two of their YouTube videos where they critique my work. They also recently hired me to write for them.